The most important part of SAFE AS is having as many involved and educated as possible. With this mantra in mind SAFE AS offers scholarships to those age 14 and up who are in need of financial support to begin or continue on their path of snow safety education. We want to increase accessibility to the mountains, help individuals break down barriers, and promote inclusion in winter sports. SAFE AS is all about feeling empowered in the mountains and encouraging confidence through knowledge. We hope to contribute a comfortable space by offering a safe learning environment at a feasible cost. We encourage anyone who might need a little help to apply for our many available scholarships, made possible through the support of the Bronco Wild Fund.

WHO CAN APPLY: Anyone who needs financial help joining our clinics who is 14 and over.

HOW TO APPLY: In no more than 350 words, please tell us about your passion for the mountains, adventure, how our course will serve you and why receiving this scholarship is important to you. Send us a photo or two (that you have the rights to and can be reposted on SAFE AS social media channels) that represents your eagerness to learn about avalanche safety and/or the best version of yourself in the mountains. If you do not want us to share your photo/caption, please just let us know. We will not mention anything about scholarship when sharing and we are proud to share many participants on our social media. Bonus points for captions!

Please send submissions to and specify which date/clinic you would like to attend.

DEADLINE: ALYESKA EVENTS: Friday, January 17th 2025

Testimonials by Previous Scholarship Winners:

"The course offered some really incredible tips about how run beacon checks and voice concerns during a ski tour without looking like the world’s lamest skier – something so valuable that no one else is teaching.” - Amelia Richmond

"I am so thankful for the shift in perspective that I gained from the clinic, the role models I met who taught the course and the training on how to use our beacon, shovel and probe. The women who teach this course are incredible. They allowed us to have an environment free of judgement, full of inspired and heart-wrenching stories and so many educational facts on avalanche safety. It was an amazing, informational and eye-opening clinic that I will never forget!"  - Katie Wurdack

"The SAFE AS clinic was one of the coolest, most memorable experiences I've had in my skiing life! Not only did I get to meet and learn from a handful of my heroes, I met so many other awesome ladies that I'll be friends with for years to come!" - Jess Cowan